Writing Course

Writing Course


How to Write Stunning Essays, Stories, Memoirs, Novels, and Scripts

A class to start, continue, finish, edit, revise, dream and find community. Group prompts, individual feedback, workshopping, and time to ask essential questions.

Course Structure

We will meet via Zoom every Sunday afternoon from 4 to 6pm EST, March 19th through May 7th.

Each session will include group prompts, workshopping class work, and brief instructor lessons. Thirty minutes will be set aside for discussion, questions, thoughts, and feelings (eek).

All students should submit a short story or part of a longer work before the course starts. This work will be shared with the whole class when it is your week to workshop. Ten page limit.

Instructor will return submitted pieces with comments and questions.

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Mark your calendar!

We will meet via Zoom every Sunday afternoon from 4 to 6pm EST, March 19th through May 7th (skipping Easter). March 19, March 26, April 2, April 16, April 23, April 30, May 7, May 14, May 21, May 28.

Each class is two hours long, and thirty minutes of that time will be for discussion, questions, thoughts, and feelings. (eek)

Why Take This Class

To find your story, focus, and finish. Explore your ideas in the company of other writers. Learn story arc, revision technique, and share road blocks.

About Your Teacher

Molly Moynahan is a writing coach and teacher, author (NYT notable book), creative non-fiction essay expert, editor, executive biography writer, speech writer, and supportive high school academic coach with thirty-plus years of publishing experience. Her teaching creates independence and a writing practice that focuses on the process as much as the results. Her style is supportive, humorous and based on years of solid experience.

Molly worked for several years as an editor for Random House and Bantam-Doubleday-Dell in New York City, moving into writing and teaching after receiving her first book deal. She taught writing and creative writing at Rutgers, Brooklyn College, City Lit London, Southern Methodist University, the University of Texas, Columbia College Chicago, DePaul University, and Loyola.

Learn more about Molly Moynahan here: